Video Conferencing

Unlock your digital potential

Videoconferencing has come a long way to becoming the commodity it is today. Videoconferencing hardware can be found on practically any corner. Will they work for you however? And what are the key factors to succesful integration of videoconferencing in your organisation? What are your organisations key needs and wants and what kind of videoconferencing system would really be a good fit?

Use Cases

One of the most important things to take into account when choosing a video conferencing system are applications for the system. We call these the use cases. From case to case there are specific elements that will really work in your advantage, if applied in the right way. Whether you’re a ‘Teams’ oriented company, if you are on Zoom of if you have shifted to the Google Workspace: We’ll help you specify the exact needs to unlock your organisations full potential in the digital world!


Another major influrence for the hardware is the platform you are commonly using. Whether your organisation is Microsoft365/Teams oriented of working in the Google Workplace, we have the right solution for you. BYOD or BYOM strategy? Sure, no problem!

Get in touch today to find out what kind of solution would work best for you!

Looking for more specific information about our Teams room or BYOD solutions?
Zoomroom? Of course, get in touch and lets talk!

Videoconferencing for Events

As we strive to be everything you need in your world of inspiring interactions, we are your one stop AV partner. Our AV Experience departement is specialized in providing temporary AV solutions for Live and Hybrid Events.


Why work with TSR AV

We help analyzing your exact need for AV. We help to set realistic budget, design the perfect fit solution and optimize the process to avoid unnecessary cost. The right approach to help achieve your goals. Let’s discuss your ambitions and see how TSR AV can help you. Give us a call today!

Shared Goals

If the specified solution is properly designed based on shared ambition and beliefs, people are more likely to effectively cooperate on the realization and preservation.


Effective solutions increase customer and employee experience. Happy employees have higher productivity and customers who feel engaged have higher loyalty to your business.


Spot on designed solutions help to eliminate distractions, keeping your audience focused on the essence of your communication.

Sustainable Realization

Working together to optimize process and integrate where possible eliminates overlap, inefficiency and squandering of resources.

Onze cases

You are good at keeping company.

Many beautiful organizations trust TSR AV.


Let’s meet!

Don’t hesitate, we are happy to help.
Let’s work together to take your AV Systems or AV Experience to the next level!

Conveniently reach us via the contact form below or by telephone: +31 (0) 88-006 55 55

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