
Share, create, collaborate

A Huddle Room is a compact multifunctional space that is excellent for interactive meetings and effective collaboration with colleagues who may be physically present or attending online. The aim is to be able to come together quickly with a team to brainstorm, hold meetings, get work done or briefly discuss a strategy. A Huddle Room is characterized by being an inviting and strategic space that is purposefully designed and built for optimal productivity. The room features smart audio-visual tools that make interactive communication easy and effective.

A Huddle Room is a must-have for every organization!

Thanks to the Huddle Room, organizations with many open work spaces and flexible workstations have less noise pollution from brainstorming colleagues on the work floor. Employees can communicate and consult with each other in a very accessible way in the Huddle Room.

The Huddle Room is extremely suitable for various communication purposes. Whether this is an internal brainstorming session, an internal work meeting or a meeting with external colleagues; the Huddle Room is the multifunctional communication platform within an organization.


Whether it’s a notepad or your own devices such as laptops, tablets and mobile phones, the Huddle Room is all about this. In a Huddle Room it is important that team members can quickly present something to the group and/or external participants.

Audio-visual equipment does not need to be prepared in advance and support from the IT department for an online meeting is officially a thing of the past. The only thing that needs to be done is to make a connection between a device (laptop, tablets) and the Huddle Room. With a simple push of a button, you can switch between different devices.

The technology of your Huddle Room is therefore specially adapted to the needs of the company and its employees. Companies that communicate a great deal remotely often opt for additional video conferencing technology. Companies that focus on creativity and brainstorming usually opt for interactive annotation screens.

Your organisation’s personal Huddle Room:

– A screen that is fully adapted to the size of the room and is placed on the table or hung on the wall. A common example is a 55″ screen, possibly with annotation functionalities to add an extra dimension to the brainstorm session.

– Wireless presentation solutions such as ClickShare or easily accessible connection points at the screen, including HDMI.

– A high quality camera, professionally centred under an existing display to functionally facilitate video conferencing with external participants.

Did you know – the name comes from “huddle up” where team players come together during an American Football game to briefly discuss game tactics. The Huddle Room was created with precisely this intention in mind: to share ideas or work together quickly and without too much effort.


Why work with TSR AV

We help analyzing your exact need for AV. We help to set realistic budget, design the perfect fit solution and optimize the process to avoid unnecessary cost. The right approach to help achieve your goals. Let’s discuss your ambitions and see how TSR AV can help you. Give us a call today!

Shared Goals

If the specified solution is properly designed based on shared ambition and beliefs, people are more likely to effectively cooperate on the realization and preservation.


Effective solutions increase customer and employee experience. Happy employees have higher productivity and customers who feel engaged have higher loyalty to your business.


Spot on designed solutions help to eliminate distractions, keeping your audience focused on the essence of your communication.

Sustainable Realization

Working together to optimize process and integrate where possible eliminates overlap, inefficiency and squandering of resources.

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Many beautiful organizations trust TSR AV.


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